Judging Criteria

Criteria for inclusion of Judges on the Northern Saluki Club and the Saluki or Gazelle Hound Club Judging list as from October 2022. This judging route can be followed until the end of the transition period on 1st January 2026.

A1 List

Persons who have previously been approved by the Kennel Club to award CCs in the breed, have completed their first appointment, and who have the support of the Breed Clubs.

A2 List

Persons who fulfil all the requirements for the A3 list, who have been assessed in accordance with Kennel Club requirements and accepted by the Kennel Club for inclusion on an A2 list, and have the support of the Breed Clubs.

A3 List (Breed Specialist)

Persons who meet the criteria to award CCs in the breed but who have not yet done so and who have the support of the Breed Clubs.

Requirements for inclusion are:

  • Minimum of 7 years judging experience in Salukis and have the support of the Breed Clubs (KC Policy)
  • To have judged not less than 25 classes with a minimum of 70 Salukis (hands on experience).and to have judged the breed at 6 Open Shows or Championship Shows without CCs with an adequate geographical spread.
  • To have judged a Saluki Club breed show.
  • To have bred and/or owned a minimum of 3 dogs when each dog obtained its first entry in the Kennel Club Stud Book (save in exceptional circumstances) (KC Policy).
  • To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer, and passed the relevant examination on Kennel Club Regulations and Judging Procedures (KC Policy).
  • To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer on Conformation and Movement. (KC Policy).
  • To have attended at least one Breed Assessment Seminar for Salukis, run in accordance with the Kennel Club Code of Best Practice, at which they must have achieved the required standard.
  • To have stewarded for a minimum period of 12 shows (KC Policy).
  • to have attended a Conformation and Movement “Hands-on Assessment” conducted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the assessment (KC Policy)
  • To have attended a Points of the Dog Assessment conducted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the assessment (KC Policy as of 1.7.2005)

A3 List (Non Specialist)

Requirements for inclusion are:

  • Minimum of 7 years judging experience in any one breed (to include 5 years in Salukis) and have the support of the Breed Clubs (KC Policy).
  • To have judged 25 classes with a minimum of  70 Salukis (hands on). And to have judged the breed at 6 Open Shows or Championship Shows without CCs with an adequate geographical spread.
  • To have awarded CCs in at least one other sight hound breed.
  • To have attended at least one Breed Assessment Seminar for Salukis, run in accordance with the Kennel Club Code of Best Practice, at which they must have achieved the required standard. It is mandatory to attend and pass a breed specific seminar for each of the second and third breeds for which they are nominated to award Challenge Certificates (KC Policy as of 1.2016)

Judges from Abroad

To be considered they must provide details of their experience in judging salukis and evidence that they hold a licence to judge Salukis in their own country. The Committees of the Breed Clubs will then consider adding their name to the list appropriate to their experience.

B List (Breed Specialist)

Persons who have been approved by the Breed Clubs to judge at Shows without CCs for the breed or at Open Shows.

Requirements for inclusion are:

  • To have owned, co-owned or lived with and exhibited Salukis for 5 years and to have the support of the Breed Clubs.
  • To have judged Salukis for at least 3 years.
  • To have attended at least one Saluki Breed Seminar run by one of the Breed Clubs.
  • To have judged not less than 9 classes of Salukis at Limited, Open or Championship Shows without CC’s with a minimum of 12 Salukis (hands on).

B List (Non Specialist)

Requirements for inclusion are:

  • Minimum of 5 years judging experience in any one breed and have the support of the Breed Clubs.
  • To have attended at least one Saluki Breed Seminar run by one of the Breed Clubs
  • To have judged not less than 9 classes of Salukis at Limited, Open or Ch. Shows without CCs, with a minimum of 12 Salukis (hands on experience).

C List (Breed Specialist)

Persons who aspire to judge the breed and have the support of the Breed Clubs, but who do not qualify for the B or higher lists. Requirements for inclusion are:

  1. Must have been associated with Salukis for 5 years and have the support of the Breed Clubs.
  2. To have attended at least one Saluki Breed Teaching Seminar run by one of the Breed Clubs.

C List (Non Specialist)

Requirements for inclusion are:

  1. Must have judged other sight-hound breeds for at least 5 years and have the support of the Breed Clubs.
  2. To have attended at least one Saluki Breed Teaching Seminar run by one of the Breed Clubs.

As from 1 January 2021, no one can judge unless they meet JEP Level 1 requirements (existing CC Judges excluded). The exception to this is where a valid contract was in place before the 24 February 2020 press announcement and the appointment complies with Kennel Club Regulation F(1)20.b.