Most people who share common interests know the benefits of belonging to a national body which promotes their common interest.
Membership of The Saluki or Gazelle Hound Club is open to everyone who is interested in the Saluki, whether or not they own one.
Full membership is subject to the recommendation of two club members and approval by the Committee of the Club.
Benefits of Membership
Apart from the usual benefits of national club membership, including full voting rights and eligibility for committees, the following benefits of being a member of The Saluki or Gazelle Hound Club are worth noting:
- Reduced entry fees to the Club’s Limited, Open and Championship Shows
- Free Newsletter
- Free Yearbook
Membership Costs
- Single Membership £14
- Joint Membership £22
- Single Overseas Membership £16
- Joint Overseas Membership £24
- Persons Without Salukis £9
- Junior Membership – open to people between 16 and 21 who are in full time education. Junior membership entitles holders to receive email but not posted communications from the Club. They are not entitled to vote in ballots or at the Club’s AGM. Junior membership is free.
The annual subscription runs from January 1st to December 31st.
Payment of membership by anyone joining after October 1st in any year also covers membership for the following year.
Joint membership covers two people living at the same address.
How to Join
Complete the form below:
Or download the application form here, and send it, with the signature of your first and second proposers (who must not be partners or near relations), to The Hon. Secretary:
How to Pay
Please email to advise payment along with details of your latest address, telephone number, and Kennel name if applicable. and pay as follows:
Membership subscriptions for the Club fall due on 1 January each year and should be paid between 1 and 31 January. The preferred payment method is by direct debit or bank transfer. A Direct Debit Form can be found here.
For bank transfers, the Club’s details are: The Saluki or Gazelle Hound Club, NatWest, sort code 51-81-01, account number 82766525.