The Saluki 2025 Edition





The Saluki Magazine 2025



Work is underway on the 2025 edition of The Saluki. In addition to the show and field results and news of the Champions, there will be a mix of different articles to appeal to different Saluki enthusiasts. If your interest is in the history of the breed, the breed standard, art, or reading about the different experiences of club members with their Salukis, there will be something for you.

 We would love to hear from members if you have any special memories of the club, ideas for things you’d like to see in the magazine, or if you could help by writing an article or doing some research. It’s your magazine and it would be great to have your involvement.


JanetSteel (Editor), and the magazine team




You can pre-book your copy of the 2025 edition of The Saluki for a special price of £9.00 by ordering and paying by 1st January 2025. After that, the price will be £10

(plus P&P if required)and subject to availability.


You can pick up your copy at Crufts, or any of the 2025 SGHC shows. Alternatively, you can have it posted to you for £4 P&P for UK subscribers. Overseas postage TBA.


To order your copy of The Saluki 2025 at the

special pre-order price please contact the Editor on







Photo inserts are on offer for all Salukis awarded 1st& 2nd places at the 2024 SGHC Open, Championship and Limit Shows. These photos will appear alongside the judges’ critiques. Photos don’t necessarily have to be taken at a show so you can recreate that winning moment at home! 


If you are lucky enough to have a New Champion Saluki, celebrate their (and your) achievement with an advert in our Champions section of the magazine. These ads have a standard format showing a four- generation pedigree with a posed photo of your winner.


Page Adverts are a great way to celebrate your Saluki’s achievements. We are also very happy to include adverts to promote Saluki-related businesses.  Design is up to you.


Advertising Rates:

 Whole Page:          £65

Half page:               £37

New Champion:  £60 (Fixed layout)

Insert photo:          £10

 The back cover, inside front and back covers have been sold for 2025.

The final deadline for submission of adverts is 1st December for inset photos and the week of 25th December 2024 for page adverts


Adverts will be placed in the magazine on a strictly

 ‘first come – first served’ basis


To book an advert in 2025 edition of The Saluki magazine or for further details contact the Editor on