


Available puppies

The below breeders are all Members, in good standing, of The Saluki or Gazelle Hound Club of Great Britain.
The Saluki or Gazelle Hound  Club of Great Britain is, under no circumstances whatsoever, able to guarantee their services.

The SGHC promote a voluntary code of breeding for their members. A prospective buyer should ask the following questions of the breeder:

  1. NCL: DNA testing should show each parent as clear or carrier. If a test shows as carrier, each puppy should also be tested for the condition. Ask for the laboroatory results.
  2. DCM: Heart testing is recommended by a specialist veterinarian or member of the Cardiovascular Veterinary Society, to include auscultation to give a murmur grading of 0 to 6 (The lower the better). Echocardiogram and ECG tests are also recommended. Ask to see the certificate of heart testing which should show the results.
  3. Hypothyroidism. Ask if either parent has a history of autoimmune hypothyroidism in the last 5 generations of their pedigree. If yes, a TgAA test is recommended to show that the parent with the history is not presently affected. The parent(s) with previous 5 generation history should not be less than 4 years old at the date of conception.
  4. Genetic Diversity. The Royal Kennel Club have recently (June 2024) lifted Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI) to the highest level of considered importance due to the small UK population of Salukis. The breed average is presently 10.3%. The COI for the litter you are considering should be as low as possible. You can check the actual COI of the litter you are considering by filling in the names of the parents here. Ideally the result will be less than 5%. Anything above this increases the health risks to the puppies in proportion to the percentage.