We are now accepting nominations for judges for the Club’s 2026 Limited Show and Open Show, and the 2027 June Championship Show and October Championship Show. The special criteria are that Judges for the Championship Show must be Breed Specialists from the A1, A2 or A3 lists. A minimum of five years must have elapsed since their last appointment to judge at the Club Championship Show (or at least two years since they have judged Salukis at a General Championship Show).
Judges for the Open Show may be Breed Specialists or Non-specialists from the A or B lists only. Judges for the Limited Show may be Breed Specialists or Non-specialists from the B list only. In each case, a minimum of three years must have elapsed if they have previously judged either show.
If you wish to nominate a candidate or candidates, please complete the form below and return it to me by post or e-mail before 30 September 2024. Nominated candidates will be asked whether they wish their names to go forward.
If more than 10 nominations are received and accepted for the Championship or Open Shows, there will be a preliminary ballot. The five candidates with the highest number of votes will go forward to a second ballot.
The Club’s approved judges lists can be found on this website, by following this link.
If you would like to nominate judges for these shows, please complete the form below.