The Saluki or Gazelle Hound Club
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Thursday 2 November 2023 via Zoom.
The meeting began at 7.00 p.m.
- Apologies for absence
Jane Hepburn, Lina Hoggren, Connie de Souza. Lynn Ward joined the meeting at 7.30pm and left at 8.30pm prior to discussion of item 9 on the agenda.
Ann Shimmin and Kathy Webb were present for items 1 to. 4.b. on the agenda, in their roles as joint editors of the Saluki Magazine.
- Matters arising from minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 5 October 2023 were approved. An update was requested on the situation with the 2022 Club accounts. The Acting Secretary to chase the Kennel Club for approval to postpone approval of the Club Accounts to the 2024 AGM. The accounts will need to be amended, sent to Don Everton and then approved by members at the next AGM, along with the 2023 accounts, but only if the Kennel Club agree to this timeframe. If not, an SGM to approve them may need to be called to coincide with LKA Championship Show so that this can be progressed.
- Treasurer’s Report
The current balance in the main Club Account is £5,539.19. There is an invoice of £122.83 to be paid this week for show rosettes. No further expenses are to be paid out. All October show expenses and income have been paid and received.
Income from the October show included £2,032.40 for entries from Fosse, plus £589.50 in cash taken at the day for catalogues, spectator dogs, centenary pins, member subscriptions, merchandise and the raffle. Thanks were given to Connie de Souza for her efforts on the raffle, which brought in an amazing £277.50.
Expenses for the show included £1,682.50 for the catering, £438.81 for the catalogue and raffle cash prizes as well as the alcohol for the centenary toast, £30 for gifts for the two stewards and £15.60 in additional fees payable to the KC for the number of entries received.
At the end of December 2021 there was £4,135.92 in the Centenary Celebrations Fund, according to the approved 2021 Club accounts. The 2022 Club Accounts show that this amount had increased by £3,080.08 to £7,216.00 by the end of the following year, thanks to fundraising by the former Club Treasurer and donations of items for auction from club members. A total of £3,471.85 was spent on Centenary celebrations up to Aug 2023. Expenditure on Centenary celebrations since that date is £2,021.31. A total of £1,722.84 is left in the Centenary Celebrations Fund at the close of October 2023.
The Secretary is working on the process of amending the mandate for the HSBC accounts to add the new Treasurer. The Committee agreed a resolution that:
- If we add or remove Authorised Signatories in the “Add or Remove Authorised Signatories” section of the “About your request” page of the NatWest Universal mandate form, the bank will update our mandate accordingly for the accounts we specify in the form’s “About your business” section,
- If we change the Signing Rules in the Change the Signing Rules on the Mandate” section on the “About your request page” of the form, the Bank will update our mandate accordingly for the accounts we specify in the form’s “About your business” section,
- And the current mandate will continue as amended.
- Magazine update
- Magazine Editor role
Two volunteers for the role of Magazine Editor from 2024 have come forward – Monique Thomas and Janet Steel. It was suggested that they be enrolled to work alongside the current joint editors on the next edition of the magazine so that they could then work together to produce future issues. A rule change would be needed at the next AGM to propose a formal move to joint editors for the future and a vote should then be held to elect them. Diana Duckenfield is happy to continue in her current role for the magazine, but Janet Steel has expressed interest in the layout aspects, and it would be useful for her to ‘shadow’ the role to assist with succession planning and contingency planning for the future.
The joint editors can bring in additional support to make up the magazine team, so they will enrol Janet and Monique to enable them to get an understanding of the scope of the role during production of the next issue.
Concerns were raised about the practicalities of having joint editors, with a need for agreement between them rather than a single point of editorial control, perhaps with an assistant editor to support. It was suggested that both individuals who have stepped forward could be asked if they wish to work in this way. David Steel and Michael Williams will speak to Janet Steel and Monique Thomas before the AGM to see if an editor and assistant editor arrangement would be acceptable to them. This can then be discussed by Committee prior to the next AGM to agree any required rule change that needs to be proposed.
- Items for discussion
The magazine editors raised concerns about a lack of communication and delays in moving forward decisions, which has been frustrating for the magazine team over the past 18 months. By joining Committee Meetings, they now have an opportunity to speak directly to Committee about what they wish to do and discuss this as a group, not as two separate entities. The editors asked whether Committee was intending to run a Saluki of the Year Competition to round-off the Centenary Year early in 2024. Committee confirmed that this was being considered. A proposal from the magazine team regarding the format this might take and including offers of support from the magazine sub-committee, was circulated prior to the meeting. This was discussed.
The magazine editors expressed concern that the Club would not have enough money in the Centenary Fund to be able to deliver what was in their proposal, even with additional funding being provided from magazine funds to the tune of approximately £7,500. They felt a broader event, which was not focused purely on showing, would be likely to attract more members, particularly those who do not attend shows. The limited funds would, however, mean that their original proposals around this event would need to be scaled back.
There was a debate over who should choose the panel of judges for Saluki of the Year. The magazine editors felt that as several members of Committee would be qualified to participate, and in view of the magazine sub-committee’s offer to help fund the event and judges’ expenses, they should take some control over this aspect.
It was suggested that Committee should have an opportunity to discuss the proposal separately and come back to the magazine team to agree the way forward. Criteria for the event, the overall shape of the event and qualification for any Saluki of the Year competition would need to be agreed by Committee and discussed with the magazine sub-committee. The editors suggested that the event should be open to all members, not just show people and suggested that Committee speak to members involved in organizing the Club’s 75th and 90th anniversary events to seek advice.
The event might be put together with the AGM and Limited Show in April 2024. The Acting Secretary to send a link to Committee members for a suggested venue for the event. Committee to meet during week-commencing 6 November to discuss the event in further detail.
The President explained that he currently has five trophies in his possession following the October Championship Show. The Secretary also has two trophies and the brooches donated by Dr Sara Williams. The Secretary to carry out an audit or which trophies are in Committee members’ possession, and which are with Anna Freegard to establish where everything is.
- October Centenary Show
The October Show appeared to be well received and the feedback from members has been largely positive to-date. Pip Buswell has sent a note of thanks to Committee for their efforts. The Secretary to circulate the note from Pip Buswell to Committee for information.
Committee put on record thanks to Anna Freegard for her efforts on the preparation for the show, which greatly assisted with the smooth running of the show on the day. Adele Walton Haddon, Darren Thomas and Natasha Hamilton also volunteered to assist with aspects of delivery of the show and did a fantastic job, which was hugely appreciated. Jenny Macro’s donation of treat-filled mugs for winners was very well-received by exhibitors and Committee expressed thanks for her generosity.
Josera had been approached to provide prizes at the show, but as the Club already had lots of donations of prizes from members, it was felt that the level of support on offer should not be pursued. They can offer ‘sample’ bags of treats for each class winner, and this may be taken up for a Saluki of the Year competition or future show.
- Lure Coursing / Working Class
Concerns were raised that it was not clear how the Lure Coursing / Working Class was going to be judged and some exhibitors were disappointed that exhibits were placed in the order that they had been placed in preceding classes. It had not been approached as a separate class, despite taking place after the Best in Show judging had been completed. It was suggested that in future it could be judged similarly to the Good Citizen class at General Championship Shows, with a separate judge and the winner entitled to go forward to challenge for Best of Breed. Committee acknowledged that there were lessons to learn, with this being the first time that the class was offered at a Club show. It was a very encouraging entry, and it was a shame that some exhibitors were disappointed, as it was a well-supported class. It was agreed that in future, Committee would seek a separate judge for the class.
- SGM actions – working groups
Following the SGM it has become clear that there is a need to overhaul the Club Rules and Constitution. It was suggested that there is a need to distill some simple principles to put forward to members and to ensure that any changes to the rules are proposed in the same clear and simple language. The Kennel Club provides a broad framework for Club Rules, but is not entirely prescriptive around their exact format, so there may be scope to simplify and streamline the current rules.
This issue needs to be approached carefully and alongside a look at what the Club’s objectives should be to make it fit for purpose for the next 100 years. This might then lead to a reshaping of Committee and sub-committee structures to fit any revised objectives. It was suggested that working parties might be formed to look at the objectives and how we bring them to life. For example, the breed education objective might be broadened out to cover more than judges’ education and incorporate more promotion and showcasing of the breed. The working groups could be led by one or two committee members, with volunteer members sought to sit on each. The Secretary to circulate the Club’s objectives and seek volunteers from Committee to lead a working party for each one. Committee to discuss at the next meeting.
- November member mailing
The next mailing to members is due to go out in November and should include notification of the AGM, details for the Judges’ Ballot for 2025-26 and a newsletter. A venue needs to be decided upon for the AGM to enable this mailing to be sent to members. Committee to decide a venue for the AGM at the meeting to discuss Saluki of the Year.
A query was raised regarding judges for the 2024 Championship Shows. Lisa Hudson has been selected to judge the breed at Crufts in 2027 and may not now be approved by the Kennel Club to judge the Club Championship Show if not already agreed. The Secretary confirmed that no paperwork had been found submitting the judges for the 2024 shows (the ballot would have taken place at the 2022 AGM and paperwork was not subsequently submitted following the resignation of the committee at that time). This has now been put in hand and a response from the Kennel Club regarding Lisa Hudson’s appointed is awaited.
The committees for Southern Counties Championship Show and Hound Association have confirmed that they are happy for SGHC to hold the 2024 Summer Championship Show and the 2024 Open Show respectively as partner shows.
- Breed Appreciation Day
The Club is mandated to run a Breed Appreciation Day every other year. The Kennel Club is unlikely to object if this runs over into early 2024, but it will need to be held as a separate event to the AGM / Limited Show. It was suggested that February might be the best month. The format would be for speakers to present and talk on the breed standard in the morning (this follows a standard format aligned to the wording of the breed standard because of the need for an Multiple-Choice-Exam to take place). The MCE is then held in the afternoon. There is no requirement to hold a hands-on assessment.
It was suggested that an online BAD rather than a face-to-face might attract more interest, but the BEC would need support with running the technical, IT side of this. The BEC to proceed with arranging an online BAD for February 2024. John Davies to provide technical support.
- Correspondence
- Lynn Ward complaint – resolution
Lynn Ward has decided not to pursue her complaint regarding the incident that took place at the Summer Championship Show. The magazine team has agreed to run a correction regarding the incorrect captions assigned to photographs in the last issue of the magazine. The issue is now considered resolved.
- Donations to KC Breed Club publication archive
Correspondence has been received from the Kennel Club inviting Breed Clubs to submit noteworthy publications and ‘treasures’ to the Kennel Club Library. The correspondence was circulated to Committee in advance of the meeting. The Club has in its possession an early, U.S. copy, of the Hope and David Waters book, donated by Chris Ormsby and it was suggested that as an item of considerable value to the history of the breed, this might be donated to the KC library. Helen Williams to check whether the KC would be interested in taking the book donated by Chris Ormsby and to confirm to the Chair. The Secretary to contact the Club Archivist to seek to identify any publications in the Club’s possession that might be of interest to the KC Library.
A question was asked around what happened to the considerable amount of Coursing material that was in the Club’s possession in the past. Some was burnt in a fire, but it is believed most of it is with Mr and Mrs McCormick-Smith. It is felt that this should be reclaimed into the Club’s possession to sit with the archivist. The Secretary to write to Carolyn McCormick-Smith to enquire regarding the Club’s Coursing materials and request their repossession for the Club Archive.
- Any Other Business
Eliza Jade Events, who catered the October Centenary Championship Show have posted on the UK Saluki Friends Facebook group about how well the show went. Committee agreed to write to those who provided celebratory cakes to thank them for their efforts. Rachel Wray, who provided the centenary pins, is very grateful for the order.
A box of rosettes is in the possession of the Secretary. This includes a number of spares featuring the Centenary logo. The company who provided them can issue new centres, so they may be able to be repurposed. The Secretary to audit which rosettes remain, create a spreadsheet and share with Committee so that we are aware of what we have and where the gaps are prior to ordering for the 2024 shows.
John Davies generously gave his time to take photographs at the October show. More than 600 photos were taken on the day and the best 100 or so have been uploaded to the Club dropbox account. John is happy to upload the best photo of each dog entered to the Facebook group so that they can be shared with exhibitors. This was agreed by Committee.
Nick Bryce-Smith’s funeral will take place on 10 November at 10.30 at Horley Crematorium. This information is not to be made public. The funeral will be followed by a wake at a local pub.
A question was asked about the book of champions that coincided with the 50th anniversary of the Club and whether a new one should be published for the 100th anniversary. These books usually come out every 10 years and the copyright is owned by Mary Sanders Parker, so it is not in the Club’s power to produce one. The next one will be due in 2025.
A question about the magazine accounts and the audit process was asked. These accounts are put together by Don Everton and then go to the Club Treasurer for approval, before being presented to members with the AGM paperwork. The funds are held in a completely separate bank account to the Club account. The Kennel Club considers any sub-committee to be part of the Club, so the funds would revert back to the main Club account if no magazine committee were in place. This may need to be considered when the Rules and Constitution are reviewed.
There are two books donated by Chris Ormsby for a new book auction to raise funds for the Club. One was donated with a silk scarf at the Summer Centenary Championship Show and any funds raised are to go into the Lure Coursing Fund. The second is the U.S. print mentioned earlier in the minutes, which may go to the Kennel Club Library. Once we know if they are interested in it, we can go live with an online auction for the other items. This will be run prior to Christmas and will be on Facebook and on the website. It will also be promoted in the November newsletter mailing. Chris Ormsby has also donated spoons to be awarded to Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show at the Saluki of the Year competition.
- Date of next meeting
Week-commencing 6 November – possibly Thursday 9 November at 7.30pm, to discuss the Saluki of the Year competition.
The meeting closed at 9.04pm.
Signed____________________________ Date____________________________